Come join us this Christmas season!

H.A.N.D.S. On International
It’s Christmas and that means
Duke’s Toy Store!

Toys and Volunteer Update!
It takes a lot of toys and a lot of help and none of it is possible without you! 
We are on our way but we still need more toys! Can you help?
 We are sponsoring a few hundred children this year and we need your help! First are the details… WE NEED TOYS

! would you consider buying a toy to donate?
3 great ways to help provide the toys!
You can bring it to AIM Mail center and drop it off at 2286 E. Carson St. #206 Long Beach Ca 90807. Just let them know it is for HANDS or mark #206 somewhere on it to be sure we receive it! That is a full mailing facility so why not drop off a toy while sending out all your Christmas cards for this year at the same time?
 No time to drop it off? Thanks to the kindness of Allison Van Wig Realty you can arrange a special pick up, or drop it off at her office by calling 562-882-1581.
Or would you rather just make a donation?Make a tax deductible donation through PayPal or call us at 310-482-7437 and we will go buy a toy on your behalf!



First things first, we have to get the shelves up for the toy store and get the toys themselves from the storage area to the location. We will do this part in the morning and then it will be time to inventory all the toys and load those shelves! We need as much help as possible with set-up!
DATE: Friday, December 20th 
TIMES: 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
3:30 PM-7:30 PM

This is where we need all hands on deck. We literally have hundreds of parents that come through out doors, hundreds of children that need entertainment and thousands of gifts that need wrapping. Registration, shopping aids, security, face painters, wrappers and babysitters are all areas that we need help. No matter what kind of experience you have I guarantee we can use your help.
DATE: Saturday, December 21
TIME: 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM
SHIFT 1: 8 AM – 12:00 PM
SHIFT 2: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM 
SHIFT 3 CLEAN-UP 3:30 – 4:30pm

 (PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE IN TIMES! We will be having the last families coming to shop at 2:30PM so we should be able to start cleaning up by 3:30)


After the fun of collecting, guiding, and wrapping, volunteers will personally deliver the gifts to the families so that we can pray for, love on, and get to know them. Even if the kids are living in a homeless situation with the parents, it is important that we can meet them and spend time. We want the families to know that this is not just a blind “give-away,” but we actually care about them and want to see them joyful and in a stable lifestyle.

DATE: Sunday, December 22
TIME: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
SHIFT 1: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
SHIFT 2: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

If you are interested in coming out to this event please pre-register with Genesis by emailing genesis@helpingallnations.comor text/call 310-482-7437 if possible so that we can have an idea of how many volunteers to expect. Please include the name, age (for of anyone under the age of 18), and shift available to work for each volunteer coming including yourself. If you have a certain area you would like to work please let us know! If you can help with more than one shift, or come in a different time block that is fine as well. Kids are welcome to volunteer with an adult.


This event is purely run on donations and volunteers. We are so thankful for your support for H.A.N.D.S. On International and the people we serve.


Merry Christmas!



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H.A.N.D.S. On International
2286 E. Carson St. #206
Long Beach, California 90807
In This Issue
Donate a Toy or Volunteer
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This is our wall with each child’s name and age we are sponsoring so far! It is exciting to watch it grow.



