From Geoffrey to you — Igniting Hearts and Momentum Snowballs

Saturday April 25, 2009

Igniting hearts as momentum snowballs

The Tumaini Alumni Alliance is a group of young adults that have been sponsored by Tumaini International and have graduated high school. These young adults have come to the realization that their survival till this day and their completion of high school wouldn’t have occurred if it weren’t for the assistance of Tumaini International. The motivation to use the blessing they received to bless others is the drive of creating this organization.

The momentum for the philanthropic work of T.A.A. got its initial beginning during this past December. A small group of Tumaini graduates decided they wanted to help someone in the same way that they were helped. A group of about seven young adults found the most impoverished and disadvantaged family in the area, which further invigorated their momentum to help. Marvelously, they were able to raise about thirty dollars. This doesn’t sound like much for us, but here that is great deal of money. They were able to buy this meager family enough food for a few weeks and ended up building them furniture for their hovel-like home.

Word of this group of action-based young adults spread like a wildfire amongst those within Tumaini and this small act of kindness served as the catalyst towards something bigger; the Tumaini Alumni Alliance. It is now a registered organization under the Kenyan government and they are beginning to pick up impetus and attaining resources. A church in the U.S. heard about this small group of altruistic young adults and took a special offering which raised two thousands dollars to assist in the abiding of this organization.

Today, they held their first conference and I was their guest speaker. What was I supposed to say to this group? How could I possibly enthuse them to do great things? For a few days I wracked my brains trying to come up with words that would empower them; actually I only had a few days notice of this but I wouldn’t refuse this once in a lifetime opportunity. I stood before this large group of AIDS orphans; young adults that had been beaten by the world and thrashed by life. I was looking in the eyes a group of people that lacked self-esteem and self worth. These people don’t eat each day, they watched their parents die, and have had to fight to survive this long.

I fought to find a common ground of feeling hopeless and inadequate of doing great things. I spoke on the crippling power the brutal words and actions of others. I spoke about how easy it is to look at the never-ending odds stacked up against us and how the sheer sight of an obstacle can impel us to give up and throw in the towel. I had this burden on my heart that I was compelled to bestow upon them. Most Christians “know” that with God they can do great things, but most of us don’t embrace this in our everyday life; we give up, lose hope and settle for less. As words from my innermost being poured from my mouth, tears poured from the eyes of these broken and wounded people. I taught on dreaming big dreams and how through Christ the impossible is possible; “with God I can” became our motto. I wasn’t sure if they were internalizing this message or not, but it became exceedingly aware to me that they were no longer hearing these words or thinking that my words were empty, they began to embrace them. I told them to think of one God-sized dream for the T.A.A. I made each person think of one dream, no matter how much it costs or how impossible it may seem. People began to rant on for minutes about their dream; I don’t think anyone had ever allowed them to dream before. The thoughts and ideas were profound. “I want every child to have an education,” “I want to start a church,” and one that especially touched my heart, “Like Tumaini International was our mother organization, I want the T.A.A. to birth other organizations that change the world.” Wow, was that a little tug on my heart. Any great movement or organization began as a dream, as a journey of a thousands miles begins with one step. As I departed from the podium I knew that the dreams we shared today ignited hearts and fueled the continual aspiration of great things for the T.A.A. and these young adults.

Asante Sana,


I am speaking at the youth camp of about five hundred AIDS orphans on Tuesday
More stomach problems
Finances for a generator… Kesha was pretty interesting last night when the power went out and it was pitch black. I’ll write about that in a few days
I am preaching a three week series at our church
Praise report: Our church has about 200 people in six months.. pretty incredible!

I got an add today about for getting electricity… apparently all of the cool kids have electricity.. we better get with the program!
SOOOO many people know who I am in this town… and SOOOO many people look exactly the same. It is really hard because everyone’s name is a really difficult Swahili name and they all sound the same!
The daughter of one of my neighbors is about two. She will be playing and randomly stops and squats and pees… ANYWHERE she wants. Whenever I come home I see a random puddle of pee.
I got sick again today… I think it happens about once every week
Most people don’t crack jokes and I, of course, do. Everyone is VERY familiar with Mr. Bean, he is a HUGE celebrity here, and because they all think that he is funny they say I am his brother.
I got about two hours a sleep last night
If you ask people if they play sports a lot of them say that they play table tennis… I never knew it was considered a sport

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